Durante longos anos pesquisei sobre a origem do modelo Kombi e estas informações são muito difíceis de conseguir, assim decidi escrever para o meu editor na Inglaterra pedindo uma providencial ajuda neste tema com as seguintes perguntas:
Dear Bob.
I'm needing information about the Vw Kombi barn-door...
1-How many prototypes were made in months and years?
2-Which was the first model?
3-When it began producing the model Samba bus?
4-When it began producing the model pick-up?
5-When it began producing the model panel van?
6-When it started production of the barn-door model and when it ended?
7-And how many numbers of the barn-doors were produced?
Perhaps you have some of these precious information to provide me and help me.
Thank you my dear friend long time.
Dario Faria
E tão logo recebi as respostas que tanto procurava...
Hello Dario.
German VW's.
Question 1. Prototypes -Unknown by me - Factory probably have these details.
Q - 2. Samba - began in 1951.
Q -3. Pick-up - began 25th August 1952 with chassis # 20 030 590, body # 30 787.
Q - 4. Panel van - began 8th March 1950 from chassis # 20 00 001.
Q - 5 Barn-doors began from 1950 to 1955.
Q - 6 how many barn doors made. Unknown by me - will find out for you.
Thanks for all.
Best wishes Bob .
Eu penso que de alguma forma estas preciosas informações nos esclareça sobre este raro modelo de Kombi barn-door que a cada dia se torna mais procuradas entre os colecionadores e admiradores de Vws.
Dario Faria.
Fotos: Dario Faria, M. Bob Shaill (arquivo pessoal)
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INformações preciosas Dario!
Talvez o Bob Shaill goste de ver a Kombi Samba em Poços de Caldas e a BarnDoor da Brasmotor?
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